DFAT articles promoting Free Trade Agreeements

Friday, September 14, 2018

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association(APSA) have received advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) that they have prepared two articles that they are looking to promote via our membership 

"You may have noticed already that two Free Trade Agreement advocacy articles have been placed on the DFAT blog. One article relates to the Government's active and ambitious Free Trade Agreement agenda (https://blog.dfat.gov.au/2018/06/29/why-is-australia-so-keen-on-free-trade-agreements/)  and the other is devoted to the TPP-11 (https://blog.dfat.gov.au/2018/09/11/five-reasons-why-the-tpp-11-is-a-good-deal-for-australia/). The latter article has as an associated tweet on the DFAT twitter account. 

As opportunities arise, you may want to make your members aware of these articles."