SUMMARY - FTA / APSA response to the Draft NSW Freight and Ports Plan

Monday, April 2, 2018

Please click HERE for a summary of Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) submission in response to the Draft NSW Freight and Ports Plan.

FTA / APSA continues to advocate to authorities that freight and port policy should be led by cargo owners and port users, and this view is reflected in our submission.  

Summary of recommendations: 

Recommendation 1 - That the Port Botany Rail Optimisation Group (PBROG) is expanded to include representation from cargo owners, as per their Terms of Reference. 

Recommendation 2 - That Transport for NSW considers aligning the regulatory regimes applied to key port-rail facilities. 

Recommendation 3 - That Transport for NSW addresses the prospect of containerised trade at the Port of Newcastle, particularly considering the recent ACCC Inquiry.

Recommendation 4 - That Transport for NSW considers container terminal price controls, aligned to controls that apply to wharfage and other regulated port charges, in response to excessive terminal access fee increases.


Enquiries to Travis Brooks-Garrett, Director- Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA)  / Secretariat- Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) -