PROPOSED CHANGES TO AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND STANDARD CLASSIFCATION OF OCCUPATIONS (ANZSCO) - FTA advocacy for a review of the classification of skill level of Customs Broker

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has incorporated extensive member feedback into a submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics calling for a review into the skill level of Customs Brokers as part of a  "comprehensive review into how Australian occupations are classified, and how it can better reflect the current Australian labour market"

The consultation sought "industry feedback on whether the current classification of these occupations reflect the correct skills, required training, occupation descriptions and associated skill level. The skill level in particular can affect an occupation's eligibility for inclusion in government programs such as skilled migration or training incentives."

FTA recently developed the below graph based on Australian Border Force statistics of Licensed Customs Brokers. This demonstrates an alarming aging workforce trend and brings to light the immediate concern of not having the required licensed and experienced personnel to handle the predicated volumes of freight over the next ten years.

In summary, FTA is of the view that the role of Customs Broker be reclassified Skill Level 1 to correctly reflect the true role and and responsibilities required to obtain and maintain a Customs Broker licence.

The FTA submission is available  HERE 

Bianca Flint - Licensed Customs Broker 

Member Support - Trade Operations - FTA / APSA