Monday, July 3, 2023

PLEASE NOTE - the development of new global measures for the avoidance of contamination of sea containers by invasive pests and cargoes will have a significant impact on international trade operational and reporting practices.


UPDATE 1 - Verified Pest Prevention (VPP) declarations
UPDATE 2 - 'Safeguarding Continuum' and associated 'Custodial Responsibility'.
UPDATE 3 - Container Cleanliness Working Group and IPPC Brisbane Conference
UPDATE 4 - World Shipping Council Proposal
UPDATE 5 - International Developments
UPDATE 6 - Conference - Sea Container Cleanliness (Brisbane)17 to 19 July 2023
UPDATE 7 - Bi-lateral engagement with the World Shipping Council


The much anticipated draft Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) recommendation 6 (Sea Containers R-06) has been released for industry consultation is available HERE

The next important step is for review and industry comments to be received at the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) International workshop on Pest risk mitigation of sea containers and their cargoes and the facilitation of international trade - defining the way forward to be held in Brisbane 17 - 19 July 2023.

Sal Milici (General Manager Trade Policy & Operations - FTA / APSA) and I have the privilege of representing the views of the Global Shippers Forum (GSF) in formal presentations as the respective Chair of the GSF Container Cleanliness Working Group and as GSF Director.

In response to overwhelming feedback from GSF, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Australia (APSA) members, the key themes that we will be recommending are summarised below:

  • Custodial Responsibility to extend to all parties in the supply chain, including carriage by sea, even where the risks of contamination are low;
  • support for the principles set out in the Safeguarding Continuum concept noting pertinent details are still to be established;
  • it is essential that we avoid the risk of creating additional bureaucratic processes without real benefits to National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) and industry;
  • opportunity for incentives to reward highly compliant supply chains with tangible facilitation clearance at destination;
  • stakeholders dependant on manual labour need to provide individuals the means, skills, authority and facilities to comply;
  • any new and expanded responsibilities require a focused "informed compliance" program with guides, awareness and training tools;
  • stakeholders utilising automated facilities to embrace existing and emerging technologies to comply;
  • need to aim for global standards to avoid / minimise a myriad of global compliance regimes;
  • clarity is required as to whether processes will overseen by regulators or managed on a voluntary / self-assessed basis by industry;
  • clarity is required as to what role (or roles) will the NPPOs play and detail of any obligations, liabilities and sanctions; and
  • the key to meaningful reform is extensive industry consultation across ALL stakeholder groups.

Importantly, the event will also provide an opportunity for WiseTech Global to present a proto-type Container Packing Microlearning App .

Further updates will provided post the Brisbane workshop.

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF