NEW GLOBAL MEASURES - AVOIDANCE OF CONTAMINATION OF CONTAINERS (UPDATE 10) Outcomes of the 2nd IPPC Workshop on Pest Risk Mitigation of Sea Containers

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

PLEASE NOTE - the development of new global measures for the avoidance of contamination of sea containers by invasive pests and cargoes will have a significant impact on international trade operational and reporting practices.


UPDATE 1 - Verified Pest Prevention (VPP) declarations
UPDATE 2 - 'Safeguarding Continuum' and associated 'Custodial Responsibility'.
UPDATE 3 - Container Cleanliness Working Group and IPPC Brisbane Conference
UPDATE 4 - World Shipping Council Proposal
UPDATE 5 - International Developments
UPDATE 6 - Conference - Sea Container Cleanliness (Brisbane)17 to 19 July 2023
UPDATE 7 - Bi-lateral engagement with the World Shipping Council
UPDATE 8 - IPPC CPM draft recommendation released
UPDATE 9 - Revised structure of sea containers


The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) hosted a second Workshop on Pest Risk Mitigation of Sea Containers and their Cargoes and the Facilitation of Trade, from 17 to 19 July 2023 in Brisbane to further discuss and develop possible mandatory measures for reducing the risk of transfer of invasive pest species through contaminated containers. 

The Workshop followed up outcomes from the first Workshop held in London on 19-20 September 2022, and reported on the work of an on-going CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers.

During the course of the Workshop, Sal Milici and I, representing the Global Shippers Forum (GSF), successfully communicated the key messages developed by the GSF Container Cleanliness Working Group (CCWG), including:
  • The conditions for our support of Custodial Responsibility,
  • The need for wider consultation with other stakeholders
  • The contribution of new advice and awareness-raising materials for shippers and other users of containers.
  • The need for GSF participation on the CPM Focus Group developing the next stage of IPPC recommended measures.

Significantly, the shipping industry accepted the need for its inclusion in the Custodial Responsibility diagram; did not advance proposals for a Verified Pest Prevention (VPP) declaration or similar; conceded the need for access to a container's journey history and asked IPPC to define the data that was required by NPPOs to enable a risk assessment to be made.

GSF's case for the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Focus Group to be more inclusive of industry stakeholders was also accepted.

These outcomes position GSF as a constructive and innovative partner in the development of any future global measures for container cleanliness.

The official GSF report to members is available HERE (FTA/ APSA MEMBER LOGIN REQUIRED)

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF