Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) - Consultation on Final Report Recommendations

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Following the previous member notice from Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) regarding the NSW Government's publication of the final report on the independent review of the Ports and Maritime Administration Act (PAMA) and the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS), Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is now seeking industry feedback through further consultations.
TfNSW are interested in understanding how the implementation of 20 out of the 21 recommendations from PBLIS may benefit or impact the industry.

The final report made 37 recommendations relating to PAMA and PBLIS. All 16 of the PAMA recommendations have been adopted by the NSW Government and will be implemented.

Further consultation on how the implementation of 20 of the 21 PBLIS recommendations may benefit or impact industry is being carried out from now until Friday 31 May 2024, with feedback going on to inform the NSW Government's final decision.  

Group sessions – register your interest :

TfNSW will be running online and in person group sessions to provide feedback on the benefits or impacts of the implementation of the 20 recommendations and to answer any questions.
Please register your interest to attend online or in person group sessions here before Friday 26 April 2024.

Submissions :

Submissions for feedback on the recommendations is now open and members are encouraged to supply feedback to Tom Jensen by 17 May 2024 for incorporation into the FTA/APSA submission.

Submissions for feedback can also be made direct to the Department by close of business Friday 31 May 2024 online or by completing the form.

Resources :
Feedback Announcement
Independent Review Website
FTA / APSA Submission into the Independent Review of PBLIS 
Final Report with Recommendations

Tom Jensen -  Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA