DCN - VICT Increase Infrastructure Charge per Container

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

VICTORIA International Container Terminal has announced an increase to their infrastructure charge per full container, effective from 1 July onwards. 

The infrastructure charge applies to full import and export containers, and will be increased from $177.48 to $194.85 per container. 

VICT cited considerable increases in costs to their business as reason for the adjustment, adding that landside charges recover part of the costs related to maintenance and operation of terminal's landside, property costs, and capital investment to terminal infrastructure. 

Paul Zalai, director and co-founder of Freight & Trade Alliance remarked: "Rather than negotiating increased fees with their contracted client being foreign-owned shipping lines, it is a whole lot easier for VICT and other stevedores to hold road and rail transport operators to ransom and force them to pay increased fees for access to the terminals."

Mr Zalai believes an amended negotiating process is necessary between terminal, shipper, and shipping line respectively. 


VICT picture credit Ian Ackerman