FTA / APSA Submission - Update of the Victorian Freight Plan 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
As outlined in our member notice dated 7 May 2024, the Victorian Government's Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) requested feedback on the Update of the Victorian Freight Plan discussion paper.

The paper discusses the issues and opportunities that have emerged since 2018, when the current Victorian Freight Plan, Delivering the Goods was released, and looks to accurately identify key issues that need to be considered by an updated plan, the role of government in responding to these issues, potential priorities for action, and how they should measure success. 

On Thursday 4 July 2024, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) incorporated extensive member feedback in preparing a detailed submission calling for harmonisation of regulation across jurisdictions, investing in critical infrastructure projects, and the development of targeted training programs to attract and retain skilled workers.

FTA / APSA also pointed to an emphasis on decarbonisation, data availability, and strategic land use planning as being essential for creating a sustainable and efficient freight network.





Proposals for the Update of the Victorian Freight Plan:

  • Regulatory Harmonisation: Streamlining regulations across jurisdictions to reduce compliance challenges and operational inefficiencies.
  • Infrastructure Investment: Upgrading road and rail infrastructure to eliminate bottlenecks and support efficient freight movement. 
  • Workforce Development: Implementing targeted training programs to attract and retain skilled workers in the freight industry.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Supporting the transition to low-emission vehicles and sustainable practices through policies and incentives.

The FTA / APSA submission incorporates the collective insights of our members and emphasizes the crucial role of stakeholder collaboration in developing a resilient freight system that drives economic growth and sustainability for Victoria.

For further details, please refer to the attached documents or contact Tom Jensen at tjensen@FTAlliance.com.au.

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / AP

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