FTA / APSA Weekly Report 2024/28 - sponsored by EVA Air Cargo

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

EVA AIR Cargo supported by Menzies Aviation


Country Radio - Skyrocketing International Shipping Costs

Paul Zalai, Director FTA / Secretariat, APSA talks to Angus Verley from the Rural Report the Skyrocketing International Shipping Costs -          LISTEN HERE

A full list of our extensive ongoing media coverage is available HERE
ACCC Survey - Container Stevedoring Monitoring Report 2023-24

The Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have for many years now lead the way with represensentation of member / industry concerns to not only the  ACCC but also a range of government ministers, departments and inquiry's. The ACCC has welcomed our various meetings and discussions and is now seeking further input from industry participants in their preparation of the 20232-24 Container Stevedore Monitoring Report. 

We kindly encourage all members to take a moment to complete the survey, which will be open until 31 July 2024.  READ MORE

FTA  / APSA Submission - Update of the Victorian Freight Plan 2024

On Thursday 4 July 2024, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) incorporated extensive member feedback in preparing a detailed submission calling for harmonisation of regulation across jurisdictions, investing in critical infrastructure projects, and the development of targeted training programs to attract and retain skilled workers. READ MORE  (member login required)

FTA / APSA Operational

Timely and effective support - contact details

To assist us in maintaining our high level of operational support, it is important for members to use the email address support@FTAlliance.com.au. This allows us to direct your enquiry to the most qualified and available team member. Once a case is allocated, we then encourage direct email contact with the FTA team member until the matter is resolved.


Sal Milici, General Manager Trade Policy and Operations - FTA/APSA recently had the privilege of presenting and sitting on a panel at the Engineers Australia Transport 2024 conference. It was a delight to inform a fresh audience about Terminal Access Charges as part of a broader discussion on "Operating in the Future – Efficient Freight Transport. 

Thank you, Scott Elaurant and Florentina Mihai, for the invitation to such a well-organised event. and also to Swinburne University of Technology for sponsoring the session.



FTA offers Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC) training online for the customs broker licencing period 1 April to 31 March each year. The cost of an online training package is $150 (excl. gst) for member organisations with bulk discounts available on a sliding scale.

Licensed customs brokers not employed by a corporate FTA member, can purchase an Individual Membership which includes online CPD & CBC training for the cost of only $300 (excl. gst) per customs broker licensing period.


FTA is delighted to announce the new training platform "MYFTACPD" is now LIVE.

The upgraded platform provides:

  • the removal of the need for promotional codes with personal profile libraries automatically populated with current course content through the customs broker licensing period
  • high quality training content and resources;
  • secure and easy to use 'self-service' login functionality;
  • migration of previous history from the legacy system allowing licensed customs brokers to access their online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Attainment Statements for the current and previous periods;

Interested in purchasing a member online training package for the current customs broker licensing period. Please contact Caroline on czalai@FTAlliance.com.au.


23 JULY 2024 : Port of Fremantle Supply Chain Awareness Workshop 
24 JULY 2024 : WEBINAR - Navigating Rate Agreements: Evaluating the Security and Enforceability of Contracts with Shipping Lines 
25 JULY 2024 : Explore Automation Solutions for Your Growing Business with Arthur and Francis 
26 JULY 2024 : 2024 Care-Factor Industry Charity Trade Ball 
31 JULY 2024 : The Australian Grains Industry Conference 2024 (AGIC 2024) 
14 AUGUST 2024 : WEBINAR - Revolutionising Document Management with Meshed Up: Unleashing the Power of Machine Learning 
15 AUGUST 2024 : WEBINAR - Yojee - Gain Greater Control of Your Transport Requirements and Deliver Higher Customer Service 
26 SEPTEMBER 2024 : 2024 Senior & Retired Customs Brokers Luncheon (NSW) 

Care-Factor Industry Charity Ball

We are counting down the days to Care-Factor 2024, Christmas in July ball.

What a night it's going to be, raising funds for two amazing children's charities, Childhood Dementia Initiative and Dolly's Dream and add to that, having some fun with colleagues and friends throughout the evening. It's guaranteed to be a night to remember. Looking forward to seeing you there. Limited no. of tickets available so don't miss out.

ALL profits from the event going to our chosen charities.

Tickets are available  HERE 


Grain Trade Australia (GTA), members of the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) and Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) , are excited to inform you about The Australian Grains Industry Conference 2024 (AGIC 2024) An event that promises to be both informative and engaging

For more information and to register CLICK HERE

Westport Community Update June 2024

In this issue we look at 

  • Upgrades to Kwinana Freeway and Anketell Road

  • What is a business case

  • Who will own Westport

  • Navigate Newsletter

Open House at Port of Brisbane

Explore the Port of Brisbane and visit these locations on 13 July 2024 as part of the Brisbane Open House program:

- Patrick Terminals - Brisbane AutoStrad
Port Office, Port of Brisbane
Svitzer Brisbane Tug Base


Is Life Fair for the Logistics Industry when dealing with the new Unfair Contracts Terms

Many thanks to James Cotis, Principal - Logical Insurance Brokers for his contribution to our latest edition of Across Borders.



"We understand that numerous Judgements and /or ACCC determinations will be required before there is any clarity as what is considered unfair."


Contact John Park to feature your organisation or service in an upcoming edition - prospectus HERE

Warehouse and Depot Security Identification Card (WADSIC)

Veritas offers a comprehensive solution for customs depots and warehouse license holders to meet their WADSIC compliance obligations. By using a dedicated WADSIC portal, authorised representatives can effectively manage their personnel as prescribed in both ACN 2022/46 and ACN 2024/21.READ MORE


PART X Competition & Consumer Act

The Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) is the designated peak shipper body granted status by the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport under Part X of the Consumer & Competition Act to represent the interests of Australian shippers generally in relation to liner cargo shipping services. The following notice has been received and is available to members' reference.



8.7.2024 : ACCC Survey - Container Stevedoring Monitoring Report 2023-24 ... read more
5.7.2024 : Port of Townsville - Notification of upcoming works: Quayside Terminal Lennon Drive ... read more
5.7.2024 : ACCC Container stevedoring monitoring report 2023-24 – survey ... read more


QANTAS Freight Operations

Please refer the Qantas Freight site for updates on operational matters. 


4.7.2024 : IATA - South Africa Has Vast Potential in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production ... read more
3.7.2024 : TT Club articles ... read more
3.7.2024 : IATA - Air cargo demand continues to rise in May 2024 ... read more
3.7.2024 : IATA - Strong Air Cargo Demand Continues in May ... read more


Biosecurity Portal Updates

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has recently issued two Import Industry Advice Notices advising of changes to the The Biosecurity Portal functionality.

  • Update location opening hours

  • Location question for Imported Food or CCV request


Biosecurity Matters - Edition 2, 2024

In the 2nd edition for the year we take a look at;

  • New Fees and Charges

  • New technology to detect Varroa Mite

  • Indigenous Rangers Round Table

  • Does your overseas delivery have an infestation

Cargo Operations Snapshot 

The Department has advised the return of the Cargo Operations Snapshot. Members will see a few changes one of which is the addition of a section on Cargo Compliance. When viewing the report we suggest members note the Data Definitions on page 3.


July 8 Report   LOGIN REQUIRED 


8.7.2024 : DAFF - Renewed foreign push for Australian food and fibre ... read more
8.7.2024 : DAFF - MAA 2024-22: Egg and egg products: All Markets: Avian influenza market access issues update #8 ... read more
8.7.2024 : DAFF - Import Industry Advice Notice 146/2024 Biosecurity Portal – Update Location Opening Hours ... read more
8.7.2024 : DAFF - 147-2024: Biosecurity Portal – Location Question for Imported Food or CCV requests ... read more
5.7.2024 : Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Biosecurity Portal Update Location Opening Hours Location Question for Imported Food or CCV requests ... read more
5.7.2024 : DAFF - 3D training for dairy exporters ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - Imported food Failing food report - May 2024 ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - Export advisory notice 2024-05: European Union regulatory requirements for sampling and unannounced audits ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - Strong growth in dairy, forestry, hobby farmland prices ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - IAN 2024-09: Sustainable Trade Funding Taskforce – Have Your Say survey ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - IAN 2024-21: Sustainable Trade Funding Taskforce – Have Your Say survey ... read more
4.7.2024 : DAFF - IAN 2024-25: Sustainable Trade Funding Taskforce – Have Your Say survey ... read more
3.7.2024 : DAFF - MAA 2024-20: Egg and egg products: All Markets: Avian influenza market access issues update # 7 ... read more
3.7. : DAFF - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice 2024-42: Plant Export Operations – Export systems expected maintenance outage ... read more
2.7.2024 : DAFF - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice 2023-44: 2024-41: Plant Exports - Sustainable Trade Funding Taskforce - Have Your Say survey ... read more


Optimising Certificate Management - Webinar

Our latest webinar looks at optimising certificate management to locate and mitigate threats before they turn into attacks.

Register HERE for the webinar to be held on Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 1000 Sydney time

Changes to Warehouse Licences for Excise Equivalent Goods

From 1 July 2024, the administration of excise equivalent goods (EEGs) stored in warehouses licensed under section 79 of the Customs Act 1901 (Customs Act) has been streamlined and simplified to reduce the costs to business on compliance and administration. READ MORE


8.7.2024 : AFP makes a wave with new underwater crime scene program ... read more
8.7.2024 : ABF - Australian Customs Notice No. 2024/26 Changes to Warehouse Licences for Excise Equivalent Goods ... read more
5.7.2024 : ABF stops dangerous weapons hitting Melbourne Streets ... read more
5.7.2024 : NZ Customs Release ... read more
4.7.2024 : WCO Publishes Comprehensive Study on Accumulation/Cumulation ... read more
3.7.2024 : ABF - TC Gazette 24-26 ... read more
3.7.2024 : AFP - Chinese national charged in WA over attempted meth import after international investigation ... read more
3.7.2024 : AFP - Man charged over alleged role in alleged Mexican cartel drug importation ... read more
2.7.2024 : WCO News Magazine Issue 2, 2024, No 104 ... read more


Export Trade Update

In the latest export update from Austrade they look at 

  • Australia-UKFTA celebrates 1 year anniversary

  • Australian honey buzzes into Vietnam

  • Landing pads in Indonesia and Vietnam

Australia's Economic Engagement with India - A New Roadmap

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have been invited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to make a submission on the above. Your participation is highly valued and will contribute significantly to the DFAT inquiry. We look forward to valuable input from members. 

To share your views, please contact SMilici@FTAlliance.com.au by close of business Friday 26 July 2024.

For further information about the Roadmap, please visit the DFAT website HERE.

Trade Data Updates Week Ending 8th July 2024

National ports, the Australian Bureau of statistics and data from other sources  

Anti-Dumping Notices Update Week Ending 8th July 2024

FTA has compiled a list of Anti-Dumping Notices from the Department of Industry, Science and Resources 


8.7.2024 : WTO - Members discuss future work of the Goods Council, review trade concerns ... read more
8.7.2024 : Anti-Dumping Commission Notices Week Ending 28th June 2024 ... read more
5.7.2024 : ATIC - Export Update ... read more
5.7.2024 : UNCTAD Charting a new course for development at the Global Leaders Forum ... read more
5.7.2024 : DDG Paugam — WTO at a "crossroads" in addressing trade and climate nexus ... read more
4.7.2024 : Business Newsletter 4th July 2024 ... read more
4.7.2024 : WTO - Revisit rulebook on food and agriculture ... read more
4.7.2024 : UNCTAD - Global trade resumes growth in first quarter of 2024 ... read more


Stay at the cutting edge through participation in live webinars and access to recordings – all are FREE & EXCLUSIVE to Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) members.     LOGIN REQUIRED 


13.9.2023 : Webinars & Recordings ... login required

Operational Support
For the timeliest response from our team, FTA / APSA members are reminded to send requests for operational support to support@FTAlliance.com.au

Member Communications

To select your communication preferences please click on "Update Subscription Preferences" at the bottom of any FTA notice -  READ MORE


FTA and APSA are proud to connect members with the following sponsors as leading suppliers of services to the freight and trade sectors.

Sponsorship prospectus is available HERE

Finance Report
Daily Market Commentary and Weekly Market Calendar





Copyright © 2024 Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) Pty Ltd, All rights reserved.