Biosecurity Funding and Expenditure Report 2023-24 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has today released its inaugural Biosecurity Funding and Expenditure Report (published both as an appendix to the department's Annual Report and also as a standalone document on the department's website).

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) were privileged to have input to and welcome the release of this report that delivers on the Government's commitment in the 2023-24 Budget to increase transparency and accountability of biosecurity funding and expenditure.

FTA and APSA understand that future reports will also include progress against the DAFF Biosecurity 2030 Roadmap and include information on outcomes over the reporting period and their connections to the strategic actions.

FTA and APSA will be joining other members of the Biosecurity Funding and Advisory Panel in December to further discuss this and related reporting initiatives.

Paul Zalai - Director FTA / Secretariat APSA