FIATA - PR 1707-2017 Capacity level

Thursday, March 16, 2017

15th March 2017

FIATA and CLECAT deeply concerned about current capacity levels and service uncertainties

Capacity for maritime shipments to Asia has decreased dramatically with repercussions on rates and service. Due to higher demand and capacity managed by carriers, shippers may have to wait for weeks to ship a container. CLECAT and FIATA express their Members' concern about this situation. The European and the Global associations of freight forwarders stress the importance of the availably of sufficient capacity to ensure the facilitation of world trade. Carriers must respect ongoing agreements and contracts. FIATA and CLECAT are open to discuss with the ocean carriers these current developments and the difficulties they are facing, but they cannot ignore their members' concerns with the level of service.


Sufficient capacity is needed

CLECAT and FIATA recognise that demand for shipments from Europe to the Far East has increased. However, the question arises whether the current situation of insufficient capacity can be explained merely by higher demand.

"We witness an increase of vessels being taken out of circulation, which in our opinion contradicts the current increase in demand. On some routes shipping lines only accept bookings for sailings as far away as in four weeks' time. Furthermore, it has been extremely difficult for the industry to deal with blank sailings", said Mr Jens Roemer, Chairman of the FIATA WG Sea.

FIATA and CLECAT emphasise the importance of ocean carriers in the global supply chains and are aware of the difficulties their industry is facing. However, in order to prevent long-lasting damage to trade CLECAT and FIATA urge carriers to do all that is possible to guarantee sufficient capacity to traders. 

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