DIBP - Former customs broker sentenced to jail after ABF investigation

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A former customs broker has been handed a four-year prison sentence after being found guilty of falsifying importation documents and pocketing more than $700,000. 

Daniel Larosa, 48, was charged with one count of obtaining a financial advantage by deception and one count of attempting to obtain a financial advantage by deception after the Australian Border Force (ABF) uncovered he had made 318 fraudulent claims for duty on goods that were not entitled to be duty free.

As a result of the deception, $728,188 was paid into Larosa's personal bank account.

Assistant Commissioner Investigations, Wayne Buchhorn, said the ABF's investigation began after a routine check uncovered a number of inconsistencies in Larosa's refund applications.

"Not only did Larosa abuse his position of trust as a licensed and authorised customs broker, he also demonstrated a planned and persistent act of offending and used the fraudulently obtained funds to support his own lifestyle," Assistant Commissioner Buchhorn said.

"This week's court outcome shows the seriousness of the offending and should serve as a warning to others in the industry that the ABF will seek to prosecute those who undermine Australia's revenue system."

At the time of the deception, Larosa was practising as a licensed customs broker which authorised him to act as an agent for the importation of goods into Australia. Once authorities became aware of the dishonest behaviour, his customs broker licence was suspended and subsequently cancelled.

He pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced in the Victorian County Court on 6 March 2017 to four years' imprisonment with a non-parole period of two years.

Anyone with information about potential trade crime is urged to contact Border Watch on 1800 009 623 or online at www.border.gov.au/report. Information can be provided anonymously.

Media contact: Immigration and Border Protection (02) 6264 2244