Crowe Horwath Newsletter - businesses and indivuals

Friday, March 17, 2017

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A season full of change

As we bid farewell to Summer and welcome Autumn, we must prepare ourselves to embrace a new season full of change.

As such, our March eNewsletter is designed to provide you with guidance on the evolving financial landscape, starting with advice regarding a number of important policy amendments that will begin to shape 2017. These changes include the recent superannuation reforms that will come into effect on July 1, 2017, in addition to the changes to the Asset Test threshold which took place on January 1.

Growing debt can be extremely difficult to manage. As consumers, we are sometimes blinded by our many purchase desires, therefore we must be cautious of how much debt is too much to handle. Overall, it is critical that we find the right balance between our wish list, and our ability to pay for it.

If your personal or financial situation has significantly changed over the last year, then it's important that you consider reviewing your current insurance policy. This is critical in ensuring you, your family and your assets or business are appropriately protected if an accident or an unfortunate event was to occur.

In late 2016, the case of Winday International Pty Ltd vs. Chief Commissioner of State Revenue raised a number of important questions regarding the use of 'service entities' in providing practice management-type businesses with shared services. As such, it is now imperative for businesses to review their current arrangements to ensure they do not trigger any potential tax liabilities in the future.

Finally, over the past three years, Findex has enacted a major initiative to implement the infrastructure required to effectively support the rollout of Family Office, an entirely new financial offering now connecting over 120 advice offices across Australia and New Zealand. Now in full flight, it's time for you to discover the full potential of Family Office, and garner a greater understanding of how it can help aid you on your financial journey.

In this edition

Understanding the recent superannuation reforms

Centrelink Aged Pension asset test reforms

Finding the right balance

Payroll tax net gets bigger

Are you and your family at risk without the right insurance?

Discover the true power of Family Office

ASK Crowe Horwath: What's trending this March?


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Understanding the recent superannuation reforms

What these changes mean for you

A number of significant superannuation reforms come into effect on 1 July 2017. As such, our experienced team of expert SMSF advisers have provided the following recap:

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Centrelink Aged Pension asset test reforms

Understanding the changes

As of January 1, 2017, significant amendments to the Age Pension asset test threshold came into effect. It's expected that the changes will continue to impact hundreds of thousands of Australians as reforms are implemented statewide.

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Finding the right balance

Are we too comfortable with debt? 

As consumers, we're often distracted by our internal debate between desire and necessity. This is something most Australians struggle with daily. Typically, when we see something we want, we'll buy it, often ignoring questions of practicality or necessity. When we break something, we'll replace it before seeking to repair it. We succumb to the drive instilled in us by sophisticated marketing campaigns, purchasing based on perception rather than reality. 

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Payroll tax net gets bigger

Radiology facilities, medical centres, valuers and other similar practice management-type businesses, beware!

Traditionally, professionals have often grouped together and successfully used 'service entities' to provide their individual businesses with shared labour hire, facilities, administrative and other services. One of the many advantages of such structures is that payments to the professionals are generally not included in the calculation of the service entity's payroll tax liability. However, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal ('the Tribunal') decision in Winday International Pty Ltd vs. Chief Commissioner of State Revenue in November last year threatens this well-established practice.

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Are you and your family at risk without the right insurance?

Avoid these common mistakes

Life isn't without its challenges. Typically, it's human nature to face these head on, evaluating and assessing each obstacle as it surfaces, but one thing is for sure, no one can predict what the future holds.

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Discover the true power of Family Office

Over the past three years, Crowe Horwath's parent company, Findex, has executed a major initiative to implement the infrastructure required to effectively support the rollout of Family Office. This is an entirely new financial offering, connecting over 120 advice offices - and approximately 60 Family Office adviser groups - across Australia and New Zealand.

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ASK Crowe Horwath: What's trending this March?

Have a question for one of our advisers? Visit today!

1. I am interested in starting a SMSF and investing in property via my SMSF, after doing some research, I decided I need professional help to comply by all the laws. Can Crowe Horwath help with this? Read answer or share  

2. I need assistance to confirm a change in directorship of a company that I was previously a director of. I am applying for a personal loan and the provider requires confirmation of this. 
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3. I am commencing work as a Manager and will be working from home. I have a work vehicle but no car space or storage. If I rent a garage for parking and storage, is it tax deductible?
Read answer or share  


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Any general advice may be provided by: Crowe Horwath (Aust) Pty Ltd ABN 84 006 466 351 and Australian Credit Licence No. 389054; Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd ABN 88 090 684 521 AFSL No. 243253; Crowe Horwath Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd ABN 95 001 508 363 AFSL No. 239170; Crowe Horwath Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd ABN 17 139 730 528 AFSL No. 342526; Crowe Horwath Property Securities Ltd ABN 91 010 208 107 AFSL No.247427. Please seek professional advice before making a decision in relation to the above information.

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