APSA awarded Free Trade Agreement grant by the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) is proud to have been announced today by the Hon. Steve Ciobo as a recipient of the Free Trade Agreement Training Provider Grant, reflecting the central role that FTA/APSA plays for Australia's international trade community.
The APSA application was titled
`Links in the Chain- recognising the importance of service providers in Free Trade Agreement utilisation'  and focused on the role of service providers in helping SME exporters access quality advice in respect to Australia's free trade agreements with China, South Korea and Japan. The grant will be used to provide online and face-to-face content to our member networks.
As per the Minister's notice other Associations who have been awarded the grant include:

·         Australia China Business Council

·         Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Western Australia Inc. (sic)

·         Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia Inc.

·         Australian Peak Shippers Association

·         Queensland Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.

·         HunterNet Co-operative Ltd

·         South West Institute of TAFE

·         Export Council of Australia

·         Lockyer Valley Growers Inc.

·         Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

·         TAFE Directors Australia Inc.

·         Australian International Marine Export Group Ltd

Please click
HERE for the full media release from the Minister's office.

We thank the Minister, Austrade and our loyal members for their continued support.


Travis Brooks-Garrett
Secretariat Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA)