US-bound air cargo screening requirements are changing

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Email for Exporters.pdf

The Office of Transport Security (OTS) has provided correspondence to the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) aimed at bringing to the attention  information that is critical to securing the future of US export business. 

"You will be unable to export to the US by air after 1 July unless you comply with new US air cargo screening requirements.

These requirements have been imposed on airlines by the US Government. The Australian
Government is working with Australian businesses to help them comply with these US requirements, ensure readiness for the change and reduce red tape while enabling a smooth transition. 

You must act now to get ready for the change. This deadline is non-negotiable."

You have two options for meeting the new US requirements - please refer attached for more detail


While CTOs have released revised cost structures for meeting the security requirements, the unknown remains in terms of "cut-off" times for delivery of cargo ... read more

We understand that third party commercial screening services will be available and we look forward to reporting more detail on these options and OTS updates in the near future. 

Paul Zalai - FTA / APSA