MCI Solutions - Training Newsletter

Thursday, April 27, 2017


  • May and the cooler months have rolled in and it is a great time to review your team's performance and effectiveness.
  • Training and ups-killing your team is a great way to re-engage staff and drive better productivity and business effectiveness.
  • In May/June 2017, we are running accredited Diploma programs on Project Management and Training Design & Development.
  • For all innovative facilitators, trainers and HR professionals its also time to learn how to use the powerful LegoSeriousPlay methodology to reinvigorate your teams and ensure everyone is on track to deliver the 2017 program.

Upcoming MCI Solution Public Programs

Diploma of Project Management Program9-10 May 2017

A lack of project management skills can cause havoc with planning, coordinating, budgeting and evaluating projects.  And that's besides managing the risks and resource challenges that could arise.  The MCI program provides you with a nationally recognised entry point in to the field + also a tool bag of practical skills to equip your team in managing a full range of organisational projects.
Your group could also be eligible for full or partial funding via the NSW Smart and Skilled program.  Provide us with further details and we will check eligibility for you.


LEGO Serious Play Methodology: 16-18 May 2017

It's time to shake it up and re-vamp your sessions, workshops, on-boarding programs and meetings.  The powerful LEGO Serious Play methodology is a real game changer!

Our attendees feedback captures the real team and culture benefits of this program
        "What an incredible way of engaging participants!"
        "This process will make all the difference to the roll-out of my change agenda."

For more course details on how you can build your capability in designing and delivering sessions that rock, click on the button below!

To read and learn more about the power of
LEGO Serious Play please follow the link below:



Diploma of Training Design and Development (TAE50216) 

This course is receiving excellent feedback.  Why?  We go way beyond what the units prescribe and ensure that attendees are ready for the future of learning.  This exciting program is a giant career step forward and an opportunity to gain skills and knowledge to set you apart.  If you are experienced in learning and development, this is an option to consider instead of the entry level Cert IV.

The MCI Trainer Academy is well recognised for our innovative approach to learning – and this is your chance to move away from traditional style learning into a new world of development.

For more information on the course, please click on the button below! 

For more reading about the
Diploma in Training, Design and Development follow the link below:




If you have any questions on MCI courses or would like some advice on learning and development trends and new ideas please contact the MCI team of L&D specialist consultants. We a team of experts and master trainers in Lego Methodologies, training, learning and development, eLearning digital solutions and government funded "Smart and Skilled" training.

Please reach out to our team and we would love to help guide you to navigate your way in this constantly changing landscape.

Denise Meyerson,
Founder and Managing Director

or call 1300 768 550 to speak to us directly.



MCI Solutions are up to big things! Download our brochure latest suite of products

CLICK HERE to download the Schedule of Public Programs & Learning Solutions