FIATA - PR 1709-2017 Ecommerce and Logistics in Geneva, the Match

Saturday, April 29, 2017

eCommerce and Logistics in Geneva, the Match

Geneva, 28th of April 2017: The last day of UNCTAD's eCommerce week marks the end of a week-long debate on the challenges, opportunities and solutions to foment the development of eCommerce. Some 800 participants have done well to showcase the importance of private sector and institutions working together to stimulate development through eCommerce.

FIATA was there in Geneva, as it placed great emphasis on eCommerce. FIATA believes there is room for its members to grow new business alongside the growth of the trading community in the development of eCommerce. In its pragmatic approach FIATA is not blind in front of the challenges, but sees the changes as opportunities for its members to grow new business and encourages its members to boldly embrace change with a careful approach.

FIATA's Director General, Mr Marco Sorgetti, participating in a panel today summarised the future working relationship in unmistakable terms: "There is a change in the identity of our principals: customers are morphing into a larger group of users with greater expectations in terms of services. Logistics will need to meet the new demands of eTraders, whilst the eCommerce trading community will need to rely on innovative logistics to ensure product sale fulfilment. The need and ability for both to work together will be a critical component for growth."

FIATA has been active in the work of eCommerce logistics. In addition to joining UNCTAD's eTrade for All Initiative and working on the WCO eCommerce Working Group, as well as other international initiatives, the international association has today published its position on eCommerce's impact on International Trade Logistics, highlighting how logistics needs to fit into the eCommerce equation by embracing the solutions that are on the horizon.

FIATA's position highlights some of the key barriers and opportunities for eTrade to grow, examining areas such as greater facilitation (WTO's TFA art. 7.8), universal implementation of the "Know Your Customer" principle, visibility services, block-chain technology, single window, cybersecurity and much more.

In FIATA's position, the association encourages member states to realise the potential for local eCommerce merchants to access new markets through improvements in logistics and facilitation, a development paradigm that will become possible though a collaborative environment of public and private initiatives at international level.