Service Delivery Modernisation - Request for participation

Monday, May 1, 2017

Dear Client,


Further to our engagement with you earlier this year around the Department's service delivery modernisation programme, some of you participated in workshops in February 2017 to provide us with feedback on our services, systems, processes and staff capability.


We are now conducting the next stage of our engagement, and would like to speak to our clients who took part in our workshops; and those that were interested but weren't able to participate.


The focus of our engagement will be in the following areas:

1.       Registration for our services and systems, identification required for authorisation

2.       Current online self-services (e.g. BICON) - feedback on what works and what doesn't

3.       Improvements to our services to give clients a better experience

4.       Improvements to our communication with our clients (e.g. email, letters etc.)



Our Objectives:

·         To validate your previous feedback and to get into more detail around the areas of our current focus to feed into our design for an optimal future state enterprise capability

·         To understand your business goals, processes, challenges, constraints, touch points and pain points in relation to the above areas



What we will do:

ü  We will be open minded and see 'outside in' from your perspective

ü  We will be realistic in your ability to participate in discussions – you have business priorities and deadlines

ü  We will be flexible with your preferred channel and frequency for communication/involvement

ü  We will validate our discussions with a follow up

ü  We will utilise the information from these sessions to inform our current projects and 'future requirements'



What we request from you:

·         Provide facts and examples of your dealings with the department – touch points, issues, pain points; and how we can improve

·         Let us confirm what your business activities are and what departmental services and systems you use

·         What your preferred method of interaction with the department is for this engagement

·         Future (follow up) input to clarify and validate our findings (where possible)

·         Participate in co-design and/or testing (where possible)



Next steps:


If you are interested in assisting us further, we would like you to nominate individuals in your company who would be able to provide us feedback in the 4 topics mentioned above.


Please provide your responses regarding your interest to Responses are requested by close of business on Friday 5 May 2017.


Please include names of participants, topics of expertise and contact details by both phone and email. We are looking to hold our meetings between 24 and 31 May 2017. We envisage running half-day sessions in Melbourne (Corner Grant & Centre Roads, Melbourne Airport), but can look at other options for you to take part if this does not work for you.


If you have any questions about the information above please contact the team at or Mala on 02-6272 0051.


Thank You


Kind regards,

Mala Sadish Kumar

Project Manager – Business System Development and Support 

Service Delivery | Operations Integration

Ph: 6272 0051 | 0421 634 216 |  Email:


Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

7 London Circuit,  Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia