This Notice is to advise of the increases in the luxury car tax (LCT) threshold and the fuel-efficient car limit for the 2017-18 financial year.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has determined that from 1 July 2017 the following are effective:
- LCT threshold $65,094 (increased from $64,132)
- Fuel efficient car limit $75,526 (no change from 2016-17) The increased LCT threshold and the fuel-efficient car limit advised in this Notice supersede those advised in Department of Immigration and Border Protection Notice No. 2016/19. The Integrated Cargo System will be amended to reflect the LCT threshold increase.
Further information on:
- Fuel efficient cars is available from
- LCT is available from
- Exemptions from LCT is available from
Joshua Hutton
Acting Assistant Secretary
Trade and Customs Branch
Canberra, ACT 15 June 2017