Maersk Line - costs as a result of cyber-attack

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have engaged overnight with executives from Maersk Line, Patrick and DP World in terms of direct costs delays in cargo release as a result of the Maersk cyber-attack.


DP World have advised by way of formal notice that they will offer an additional two (2) days free storage for Maersk customers and will reconsider extension should delays in cargo release continue longer than initially anticipated. Patrick have confirmed extended arrangements will be offered to Maersk customers.


Importantly, Maersk Line has provided the following official position in terms of terminal storage and detention in Oceania:


Maersk Line will "stop the clock" on Detention and Demurrage in Oceania in all ports for the period of 27 June up to an including July 7. This means that Maersk Line will credit our customers for any additional D&D or direct port storage costs incurred during this period as reasonably caused by delays relating to the cyber attack on our systems. We once again thank our customers for their support during this time.


To address some of the comments below regarding Maersk ability to issue EDO's, we have been able to do this for sometime now. If you have any questions, please direct members to where we have shared the latest operational updates.


Paul Zalai – FTA / APSA