DAWR - World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Notifications

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Notifications

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has circulated Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) notifications for information or comment.

Click on the hyperlinks in the table to open the notifications:

EN = English     ES = Spanish     FR = French

Notifying Country

Notification Symbol


Title / summary

Comments due / Notification type




Draft resolution regarding changes in MRL levels from 2.0 to 4.0mg/kg for grazing culture for the foliar use (application), for the active ingredient I13 - IMIDACLOPRID of the monograph list of active ingredients for pesticides, household cleaning products and wood preservers.





Draft resolution regarding the inclusion of pre emergency foliar use (application) for the soybean culture with MRL of 0.05 mg/kg and safety security period not determined due to the mode of use for the active ingredient C29.1 - CHLORIMUROMN-ETHYL of the monograph list of active ingredients for pesticides, household cleaning products and wood preservers.





Regulation regarding review of animal quarantine documents and certificates that are no longer appropriate or up to date. The aim of this regulation is to streamline the administration and implementation of quarantine measures.

N/A - adopted




Currently in Spanish: suspensión de la importación de las siguientes especies y productos de origen animal procedentes de Colombia: rumiantes y ganado porcino, semen o embriones de éstas y demás especies susceptibles a fiebre aftosa; carne fresca refrigerada o congelada, vísceras y menudencias crudas, cueros y pieles sin curtir, lanas sin lavar ni desgrasar de las citadas especies; forraje y henos; leche y productos lácteos; y otros productos de riesgo de estas especies capaces de transmitir o servir de vehículo al virus de Fiebre Aftosa. Google translation: Suspension of the following products from Colombia: ruminants and pigs, semen or embryos of these and other species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD); fresh, chilled or frozen meat, offal, hides and untreated skins, unwashed or degreased wool; fodder and hay; milk and dairy products; other products capable of transmitting FMD.

N/A - emergency measure




M1014 - Maximum Residue Limits - This Proposal seeks to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to align MRLs for various agricultural and veterinary chemicals so that they are consistent with other national regulations relating to the safe and effective use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals; and to align certain limits with Codex or trading partner standards relating to residues of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in food.


Obtaining the full text of a notification: the full text is usually provided through a link on the notification. If no link is included, or if the full text is not available in English, please let us know by reply email. 

Obtaining a notification in English: for notifications which are initially released in French or Spanish, the WTO provides an English version within two weeks. To check if the English version is available, wait one-two weeks, and copy the notification symbol into the notification search, the search provides the notification in available languages. In the meantime you can use a translator like Google Translate.

Making comment: if you feel a notification warrants an official comment from the Australian Government, please let us know by reply email. We require your comments one week before the due date.

Requiring an extension: an extension can be requested and should be sought early with supporting justification, if you require an extension please let us know by reply email.

Looking for further information on the WTO SPS agreement: visit www.agriculture.gov.au/market-access-trade/sps