DAWR - World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Notifications

Friday, July 7, 2017

World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Notifications

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has circulated Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) notifications for information or comment.

Click on the hyperlinks in the table to open the notifications:

EN = English     ES = Spanish     FR = French

Notifying Country

Notification Symbol


Title / summary

Comments due / Notification type

United Arab Emirates



Ban lifted on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their products including poultry meat, day-old chicks and eggs originating from Pakistan.

N/A - ban lifted

United Arab Emirates



Emergency measure imposing a temporary ban on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their untreated by-product, day-old chicks, hatching eggs from South Africa, and imposition of a temporary ban on the importation of poultry meat and table eggs from Mpumalanga in South Africa, following the outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus.

N/A - emergency measure




Currently in Spanish: Propuesta de requisitos fitosanitarios de cumplimiento obligatorio para la importación de semillas de nabo forrajero (Brassica rapa) para la siembra originarias de Nueva Zelandia protección del territorio contra otros daños causados por plagas. Google translation: Proposed phytosanitary requirements for the import of forage turnip seed (Brassica rapa) for seed and plant material from New Zealand.


Hong Kong, China



Revision of veterinary conditions in relation to Hendra virus requirements and approval to import Hendra vaccinated horses into Hong Kong, China by means of waiver on a case-by-case basis. The amended requirements applies to the export certificate for resident horses re-entering, or horses imported (permanent or temporary) into Hong Kong, China.

N/A - modification of content and scope

New Zealand



Emergency measures to prevent the introduction of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' haplotypes C, D and E, which may be associated with imported seed for sowing. This will apply to all species of Anthriscus, Apium, Daucus, Foeniculum, Pastinaca, and Petroselinum approved for import into New Zealand.

N/A - emergency measure

United States of America



From 2 August 2017, all shipments of imported Siluriformes fish and fish products entering the US must be presented at an Official Import Inspection Establishment for reinspection by food safety inspection personnel.

N/A - emergency measure

Obtaining the full text of a notification: the full text is usually provided through a link on the notification. If no link is included, or if the full text is not available in English, please let us know by reply email. 

Obtaining a notification in English: for notifications which are initially released in French or Spanish, the WTO provides an English version within two weeks. To check if the English version is available, wait one-two weeks, and copy the notification symbol into the notification search, the search provides the notification in available languages. In the meantime you can use a translator like Google Translate.

Making comment: if you feel a notification warrants an official comment from the Australian Government, please let us know by reply email. We require your comments one week before the due date.

Requiring an extension: an extension can be requested and should be sought early with supporting justification, if you require an extension please let us know by reply email.

Looking for further information on the WTO SPS agreement: visit www.agriculture.gov.au/market-access-trade/sps