UPDATE - Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB) – imports from Italy – Increased Intervention

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Operational scenarios


Further to the Import Industry Advice Notice 04-2018 and yesterdays' notice to members, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources regarding the following scenarios/questions raised by member:.


  • New profiling commenced on 17 January 2018 – any shipments cleared prior to the new profiling will not be subject to further entry processing
  • These changes affect all containerised cargo from Italy i.e. FCL, FCX & LCL
  • Only commodities listed in IDN 04-2018 are exempt from the new profiling – mixed commodities will be on case by case basis
  • The Department will not be issuing non-conformities to industry for shipments already pre-cleared prior to these changes


The department has advised that they will be sending out another Industry Notice within the next 24 hours clarifying some of the scenarios together with answers on the many questions and concerns that members have put forward.


In the interim please send any questions/concerns to Tony Nikro at tnikro@ftalliance.com.au


Commercial considerations


While the need for emergency measures are understood, early indications are that fumigation companies may have difficulties handling the additional business resulting in significant turnaround times and costs to industry. FTA will be promoting fumigation service providers in coming days to provide increased options for members.


FTA will also be making formal submissions for leniency in terms of shipping line container detention in these extreme circumstances. It is highly recommend that members make early contact with shipping lines for any affected containers as it is anticipated that concessions will at best be considered on a case by case basis rather than via any blanket extension in detention periods.


Please keep me in the loop on any shipping line correspondence via pzalai@FTAlliance.com.au


Paul Zalai – FTA / APSA