2018 Aviation and Maritime Security Awareness Survey

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Department of Home Affairs is conducting a survey on aviation and maritime security awareness training. The purpose of the 2018 Aviation and Maritime Security Awareness Survey is to assess the level of security awareness of staff working at Australia's security regulated airports, maritime ports and air cargo facilities. The first survey was conducted in 2016, to establish a baseline for the level of security awareness of people working at Australia's security regulated ports and airports.

The survey has 14 multiple-choice questions for staff, should take around 10 minutes to complete, and will be open until Monday 18 June 2018.

The survey can be completed online via a secure, password-protected internet site at: https://www.orima.com.au/homeaffairs/survey. To access the survey, staff will first need to register a valid email address. The survey system will then generate a password for them to access the survey. Their password will not be used to identify them.

The information provided will be treated as private and confidential. No individual, or specific port, airport or air cargo facility will be able to be identified from the research results. Answers will only be used for the purposes of the research. Participation in this research is voluntary.

For any enquiries relating to the survey or the Aviation and Maritime Security Division (Department of Home Affairs), please contact maritime.security@homeaffairs.gov.au.