BMSB UPDATE 4 - Treatment methodologies and Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme

Saturday, August 4, 2018

As outlined in Import Industry Advice Notice (77-2018), the draft measures for the 2018-19 BMSB measures have been published on the BMSB webpage.
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources that this will continue to be updated as they refine and finalise the measures.
Further advice was received last night (Friday 3 August 2018) that the department has now updated the webpage to include the BMSB treatment methodologies and recently approved offshore treatment providers for the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme.
Please note this list is current as  per the date on the webpage and will be updated as the department adds more approved treatment providers.
If there are treatment providers that you are aware of or those who intend to conduct offshore BMSB treatments, please inform them of the application process for the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme.
More updates to the BMSB webpage will be made early next week, including finalisation of the target countries, target high risk and risk goods, refining of details around the offshore and onshore treatment requirements, and scenarios from queries that the department has been receiving from industry.
We also understand that the department is preparing for industry sessions (either face-to-face or webinars or a combination of both) for the week commencing 13 August 2018 and will provide these details soon.
Paul Zalai – FTA / APSA