Changes to Chinese Competent Authority issuing certificates

Monday, August 20, 2018

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice (refer 97-2018) from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources that from tomorrow (21 August 2018), a new Chinese government authority will issue official government certification.

The entry-exit inspection and quarantine duties of the People's Republic of China are currently managed by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ). From 21 August 2018, these duties will be integrated into the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC). As a result, the GACC will start to use new certificates and new stamps.

Inspection and quarantine certificates and stamps with the CIQ logo and current security features issued prior to 21 August 2018 will remain valid. During the coming weeks, certificates in both the old and the new format may be presented. It is important to determine the date the certificate was issued and report any authenticity issues identified through this changeover to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

The scope of the change extends to all government certificates as required by the import conditions, including health, veterinary, fumigation and phytosanitary certificates. The security features associated with Chinese government certificates remain unchanged.

For further information or to report concerns about certificate authenticity contact Entry Management further deta


NOTE - the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has kindly agreed to provide an updatev on this development at our upcoming CPD - Border and Biosecurity Compliance Program events. 


Brisbane – 12 September 2018
Sydney – 26 September 2018
Melbourne – 16 October 2018

Paul Zalai - FTA / APSA