APSA in the Australian Financial Review- Green shipping standards could add 1.3BN in costs to Australian economy

Thursday, November 1, 2018

  • Opinion
  • Oct 31 2018 at 11:00 PM
  • Updated Oct 31 2018 at 11:00 PM

Green shipping standards could add $1.3b in costs to Australian economy

Two of the worlds biggest shipping companies, Maersk and MSC, have indicated that the shift to low-sulphur emitting ...Two of the worlds biggest shipping companies, Maersk and MSC, have indicated that the shift to low-sulphur emitting fuels would add $US2 billion ($2.8 billion) to their annual costs bases. Qilai Shen

Matthew Stevens AFR Woodcut

by Matthew Stevens

The global maritime sector's embrace of a new set of climate change-driven emissions standards is going to see the Australian economy forced to absorb the biggest pass through of shipping costs in a generation.

Forget the stevedores' localised infrastructure charges that have caused local freight forwarders such heartache over the past three years. This is expected to be cost flow-recovery on steroids. And Australian importers and exporters will start paying the still unclarified price for a greener maritime fleet from 1 January 2019.

Two of the world's biggest shipping companies, Maersk and MSC, have indicated that the shift to low-sulphur-emitting fuels would add $US2 billion ($2.8 billion) to their annual cost bases and that they would introduce substantial new surcharges to recover those increases.

In a September statement, Maersk put the global cost of compliance with the new International Maritime Organisation's emissions standards at $US15 billion ($21 billion).

And a third major carrier, CMA CGM, estimated that the move to reduce sulphur emissions from 3.5 per cent to 0.5 per cent would add an average $US160 ($225) TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) to the cost of shipping. The shipping company indicated that the additional cost would be "taken into account" when adjusting its existing fuel surcharges.

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CMA CGM indicated that most of this increase would be driven by the shift to a 0.5 per cent fuel oil to fire its fleet. But it also plans to retrofit its ships with emissions scrubbers and it will progressively introduce liquid natural gas fuelled vessels.

Needless to say that might prove music to the ears of Woodside Petroleum's Peter Coleman, who has proved himself quite the evangelist for LNG as a transport fuel in Australia.

High toll for consumers

At this stage, the CMA CGM estimate stands the nearest thing that the local shippers have to a reference for the price increases ahead. If that average translates into anything like the new levy on shippers, then the toll (which will be passed through to the consumers of the products in the boxes) will be high.

To be clear on that, it is estimated that it costs $1000-$1400 to ship a box into or out of Australia. So the number run up the CMA CGM flagpole is equivalent to a 20 per cent increase to that cost.

The latest ACCC review of the Australian container stevedore business released on Monday reported that 8 million TEU passed through local terminals last year. The study estimated that some 1.9 million of those boxes were travelling empty.

So, if we assume that our exporters and importers will pay the new fee on something more than 6.1 million TEU and that the surcharge is something close to the $US160 average floated by CMA CGM, then we are talking an additional annual shipping cost in the region of $1.3 billion.

For those that have read the ACCC's encyclopaedic report (we have read all 20 over the years and this is the best so far), that number might sound just that little bit familiar.

The total revenue generated by Australia's warring family of five container stevedores – DP World, Patrick, Hutchison, Flinders Adelaide and VICT – was, you guessed it, $1.328 billion.

"This is a major issue and something that has flown under the radar for Australian businesses, despite it being one of the largest cost recovery exercises that Australian importers and exporters will face in the coming years," the Australian Peak Shippers Association told The Australian Financial Review on Wednesday.

"Shipping lines are looking to recover billions from global importers and exporters through this new surcharge. Many lines have now announced their positions on the sulphur cap, which includes a surcharge that will start on 1 January 2019, a year before the regulation takes effect.

"Most of these cost recovery mechanisms have averaged out the costs per vessel and per trade lane, whereas in reality each vessel will vary in their sulphur emissions."

The APSA is particularly concerned that the shipping companies' new pricing decks transparently reflect the re-based fuel costs and do not reflect the cost of new or retrofitted fleets.

"We are very conscious that we need to avoid a cost plus margin scenario where the shipping lines use this new regulation as a revenue opportunity, not as a cost recovery exercise," an APSA spokesman said.

Headwinds for Australian exporters

Inevitably, the shippers could not let the chance of engagement over costs to escape without returning our focus to local cost recovery exercises.

"On top of port access fees, which increased by more than 1000 per cent in Melbourne since April 2017, there are some very significant headwinds for Australian exporters," APSA's man said.

Over the past three years local stevedores have embedded infrastructure fees to recover rising costs and increasing capital investment on the waterfront. These fees have risen from immateriality just three years ago to a point where they now generate $100 million, or about 9 per cent of the sector's revenue.

There are two reasons for this. Recently privatised port operators have moved quickly to increase rents at our major ports while the increasing concentration of shipping company ownership has left the landside the only viable venue for cost recovery from the cargo owners.

The ACCC has urged state governments to maintain a weather eye on this evolution in the stevedores' revenue model while acknowledging that the hikes of the past three or four years appear justified.

Interestingly, just days before the ACCC's cautious advice landed, the Victorian government, in full re-election mode, revealed it was "bringing forward" a review into regulating port pricing and charges after a new round of increases confirmed by the father of the infrastructure fee surge, DP World.

This is sort of hilarious. DP World has welcomed the potential inquiry as a Victorian government "investigating itself". The company claims that the biggest part of its Port of Melbourne fee increase is justified by rent increases that followed the port operator's privatisation. And that proposition has been, in large part, endorsed by the ACCC.

Technocrat stuff

Now, while we are talking about price controls, if the minister for bringing down electricity prices wanted to educate the electorate rather than pillory the power industry then the technocrat that is said to be in him might be drawn to the considered review of Origin Energy's latest quarterly production report.

Origin's September review describes an energy market in transition. It is illustrative of current and future challenges but also of the capacity of the market to deliver security and lower prices without the clumsy, confidence-sapping and thoroughly un-Liberal intervention he and his big stick wielding Prime Minister have proposed.

Origin has, for example, revealed that it was able to release more gas to the east coast market because it is not using its peaking gas-fired power generators as often as in the recent past.

Origin's peakers used 11.7 petajoules (PJ) of gas in the recent September quarter. That was down from 15.4/PJ through the previous September period and down from 20.2/PJ in the June quarter.

Apparently this is a broader trend that is particularly apparent outside of the weather-driven peaks of low winter and high summer. Peaking or firming power is in the system less often but it is running much harder when it is.

This trend, like much else that is new in the energy market, is driven by the spread of industrial and domestic scale renewable power. The more wind and solar there is, the more the risk of intermittency is trimmed and the more baseload and pumped hydro can fill the breach.

And all of that is good for prices. The very simple rule of thumb in the National Energy Market is that gas peakers equal peak prices. When the system is being secured by gas generation then, generally, we will be paying most for our power.

Origin also reports that its electricity prices through the September quarter averaged $83.70 a megawatt hour (MWh). This was marginally higher than the June quarter.

The increase was the result of outages at coal-fired generators in Queensland and NSW and the average increase would have been higher but for an increase in lower cost renewable generation in South Australia and the rehabilitation of Basslink, which allows Tasmania's low-cost hydro power to be imported into the east coast network.

The points there are that a functioning national network allows for a blending of inputs that mitigates cost and that even the freshest of our fleet of coal-fired generators is ageing and vulnerable.

Just finally, Origin's note might also help a deliberately bewildered Prime Minister understand why petrol prices are high. Its APLNG LNG joint venture earned an effective oil price of $US68.77 ($97) a barrel through the September quarter, the result of a lower exchange rate and oil markets that have "entered a period of supply deficit due to reduced available spare capacity".