Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) 2014/2015 Subscriptions

Sunday, July 13, 2014

FTA 2014 2015 - FINAL.pdf

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) continues to set the benchmark in quality of service and value by maintaining our existing subscription rates for the upcoming 2014 / 2015 financial year.   


Our collective strength has extended to be inclusive of 117 import / export supply chain businesses and peak industry associations including the Australian Retail Association (ARA), Australian Federation of International Forwarders (AFIF), the Export Council of Australia (ECA) and the Logistics Association of Australia (LAA).


For further detail please refer to our directory and corporate alliances.





Our direct efforts over the last 12 months have focussed on issues such as the Port of Melbourne stevedore infrastructure fee, NSW Port Logistics Charge, Customs Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulation, import processing charge, Customs cargo reporting for assembly orders, air cargo security, Customs and AusCheck Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2013, NSW Freight & Port strategy, customs broker / depot and warehouse licencing, container weight declaration / chain of responsibility, special cargo portal, implications of the China VAT and Vehicle Booking System (VBS) reforms.


We have been the leading voice for the industry on these issues as outlined in our extensive media commentary.


We anticipate significant operational changes at the Australian waterfront with the entry of a third stevedore in both Sydney and Melbourne and the push for greater utilisation of intermodal rail facilities. Air cargo security will also be a focus of the federal government and strengthening of the Australian Customs & Border Protection Service and Department of Agriculture compliance regimes will undoubtedly continue.


Do not underestimate the magnitude of the change likely as a result of the Customs Blueprint for Reform and the most recent announcement of the Australian Border Force. From a technology point of view, this may well be the catalyst to replace the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). Technology aside, the major changes are likely to be the emergence of a 'trusted trader' scheme and evolving cargo reporting requirements.


Continued Professional Development


A key element of our engagement between government and commerce will be in the form of our ongoing Border Compliance Program.


During the course of 2014, our program has focussed on providing support to customs brokers in meeting their continued professional development (CPD) compliance requirements and support to licenced Sec 77G Depot and Sec 79 Warehouse operations. In partnership with Real Institute, Australia's fastest growing Registered Training Organisation, we have also delivered accredited training to industry in warehousing, workplace health & safety (WHS), customer contact, management, competitive systems and business sales.


Commercial Services


FTA also provides a range of commercial services in areas of insurance, Customs & tax consulting, ICT web and systems development and real time operational alerts on all international trade and national logistics matters.


An FTA premium subscription also provides significant and direct cost savings to its subscribers including:


·        discounted subscriptions to Lloyds List Australia (20% discount for their publication and 10% for advertising),

·        specialised insurance brokerage,

·        member rates for AFIF and ECA publications, technical training and convention,

·        discounted rates for TradeFox tariff library, and

·        employee traineeships facilitated by Insync Personnel / Real Institute


Join the Alliance


Please refer to the attached document that outlines the service that we provide against each subscription level.


Contact -  


Paul Zalai – Director FTA