MAERSK - Suez Canal Update 10

Tuesday, March 30, 2021



Customer Advisory

Vessel blockage in the Suez Canal - Update 10



March 29, 2021

Dear Valued Customer, 

We have just received confirmation that the Ever Given has been dislodged in the Suez Canal and is now fully floating. It is expected that the vessel will be moved to the Great Bitter Lake with the utmost caution. Once the vessel is safe at anchorage, the vessels currently at anchorage in the lake - three of them Maersk vessels - will sail out of the canal in a convoy. The canal could be opened within the next 12-24 hours, but the current situation remains that the canal is not yet free for passage and we are still not able to share when the canal clean-up is completed, and the canal re-opened for the complete queue of waiting vessels to pass through. We are monitoring the situation closely, as Maersk and partners have 34 vessels at anchorage waiting.

We have until now redirected 15 vessels around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and we are currently recalculating if some of these vessels should turn around and continue on their original route. More information will come on this after assessing the current backlog of vessels queueing.

To give you as much visibility into the situation as possible, please see the planned schedule for Maersk and partner vessels for the next two weeks here.

Please don't hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative should you have any further questions.

A. P. Moller – Maersk




Maersk Australia, Level 8 383 Kent Street New South Wales, Sydney 2000, Australia

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