MAERSK - Suez mitigation efforts Update 15 - April 1

Friday, April 2, 2021



Customer Advisory



April 1, 2021

Dear valued Customer,

The clearing of vessels waiting at the Suez Canal is going well and after the canal was reopened for passage, more than half of the queue has now made their transit though the canal. Maersk and partners have so far seen a large part of vessels pass already. We expect to have 9 more transit today, leaving 9 vessels still waiting at anchorage, with 4 vessels arriving at the canal today. See the updated vessel list here.

Having lost almost a week of capacity, the real task for us starts now. We are working continuously to mitigate the felt impact for our customers and to ensure reliability in our operations.

The integrity of our products is paramount to serving all our customers. This is the reason we have decided to reduce our Maersk Spot booking acceptance temporarily, so we can ensure that what we sell to our customers, we can deliver. Our network design and operations colleagues are working relentlessly with all the information at hand to alleviate the knock-on effects of the Suez blockage. As we begin to better understand the impact of the delays across vessel, port and terminal backlogs, we will be able to open Maersk Spot booking acceptance again on affected trading routes. This will entail that we once again can continue to cater to all the needs of our customers. See the affected trades here.

Giving you the best ability to manage your supply chain is of the utmost priority to us and we are working to give you the tools and information you need to do so. Throughout this process we aim to give as much clarity and notice as possible. We regret the inconvenience this incident may cause to your business in a time where certain industries may already be stretched due to the pandemic.

Recognising the Easter weekend and working hours, we have updated our FAQ with the most frequent questions our customers are asking us, but please don't hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative should you have further questions.

Please also note that as the Suez situation deescalates, we will be emailing you less frequently. However, our web advisory will always hold the latest updates.


A. P. Moller – Maersk