DAWE - Australia’s new agricultural export legislation - Post-commencement review

Friday, May 21, 2021

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Australia's new agricultural export legislation, comprised of the Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control Rules 2021, commenced on 28 March 2021. The new export legislation was introduced by the Australian Government as part of a wider initiative to strengthen Australia's agricultural exports and market access.

We are seeking feedback from our stakeholders, including farmers, other primary producers and exporters, on how we engaged with you in the development of the of the new legislation. Your feedback is important to us because it will help us to improve our future engagement processes.

How we engaged with our stakeholders

Stakeholder feedback throughout the development of the new agricultural export legislation assisted us to ensure that the new legislation is clear and fit for purpose - supporting growth and innovation while maintaining the level of regulatory oversight trading partners expect.

We engaged with our stakeholders in a variety of ways including:

  • information sessions – face-to-face presentations and teleconferences
  • online – surveys through the department's Have Your Say engagement tool
  • industry – departmental consultative committees
  • correspondence including emails and responses to submissions.

We supported our engagement through communication materials including draft legislation, information sheets and the Improved Export Agricultural Legislation(External link) web page.

How to have your say on our engagement with you

Provide your feedback to our short survey using our online form.

Our survey is open until COB 30 June 2021.

What happens next

We will report on the outcomes of the review once the consultation period has ended.

  • The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is seeking feedback from our stakeholders, including farmers, other primary producers and exporters, on how we engaged with you in the development of Australia's new agricultural export legislation. Your feedback is important to us because it will help us to improve our future engagement processes.

    You will need to register or sign in to participate in this survey. Please read the department's privacy notice(External link) before you register and make a submission.

    Start survey
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