Victorian Essential Services Commission - Engagement and Inquiry into Port of Melbourne compliance with pricing order

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA)  and  Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) representatives met with executives of the Victorian Essential Services Commission  last Friday, 26 June 2021 to initiate engagement in relation to the Commissions upcoming inquiry.

As part of the privatisation of the Port of Melbourne the Victorian Essential Services Commission is "required by the Port Management Act 1995 to conduct an inquiry into the port's compliance with the 2016  pricing order every five years. Our first inquiry is for the review period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2021."

FTA / APSA are in the process of formulating our submission to this inquiry however in the interim the Essential Services Commission have advised the following:

We are letting you know that you can now register for our public forum on Thursday 15 July and for our 1:1 drop-in sessions that run from Tuesday 6 July until Thursday 5 August 2021.

We invite you to present at our public forum on any issues relevant to our inquiry. If you would like the opportunity for a 5-minute presentation, please let us know by COB Thursday 1 July.

You can find more information on our inquiry and register for our events via our Engage Victoria page. We are seeking feedback until Friday 3 September.

Sal Milici - Head of Border & Biosecurity FTA / APSA