Concentrated National Audit Program - Importers

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is the Federal Governments authority on measurement. They use market intelligence, consumer complaints and stakeholder feedback plus industry participants compliance history to plan and implement targeted inspection programs for industry sectors that have a higher risk of non-compliance with the requirements of trade measurement law.
Two major factors determining which traders are targeted in these national audits will be:
  • previously identified non-compliance
  • relative market shares of industry participants.
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) have received advice that NMI's 2021-22 work program will include a focus on pre-packaged products with measurements based on volume and will be concentrated on Importers, Independent Supermarkets, and Licensed Premises.
The Importers focus is planned for the week commencing 30 August and will include a focus on
•             consumable items, including oils and seasonings
•             animal food products, such as pet foods
•             beverages
•             sanitisers such as alcohol based products
•             cleaning products.
Inspectors will also be reviewing documentation for measurement-related QA processes to ensure regulatory compliance.
Although the audits are unlikely to directly impact licensed customs brokers, may we suggest that your clients in these industries be given this advice.