Biosecurity Operations Division Reset

Friday, July 2, 2021

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) via Industry Advice Notice 144-2021 of a reset to the Biosecurity Operations Division.

What has changed?

The Biosecurity Operations Division (BOD) within the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has recently undergone a restructure to better align the division's work to manage biosecurity risk pathways, and to increase capacity to work end to end along supply chains.

It provides enhanced operational policy capability to manage new and emerging risks. The change in structure also positions us to be better prepared to deliver on the $400 million package announced as part of the most recent federal budget.

As a result of this restructure, BOD's operational network has moved to a Pathway Operations approach. The branches in this network are:

  • Cargo (VIC, SA, WA, TAS) and PEQ - incorporating document assessments, inspections and the post entry quarantine functions
  • Cargo (NSW, QLD, NT and ACT) - incorporating document assessments, inspections and Client Contact Group
  • National maritime and conveyances
  • National travellers and mail

BOD has also split pathway policy function into the following branches:

  • Pathway Policy – Cargo and Conveyances
  • Pathway Policy – Travellers, Mail and Imported Food


As part of these changes, Science and Surveillance Group, which incorporates Operational Science Services, Science and Surveillance and the Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) has moved to Biosecurity Plant Division.

There will be no changes to departmental processes or the Biosecurity Officers and middle managers in our operations.

Further information  

Please continue to direct your inquiries to the departments Client Contact Group on 1800 900 090.

To ensure you remain updated on these changes, we recommend registering to receive BICON alerts and Import Industry Advice Notices

Sal Milici - Head of Border & Biosecurity - FTA / APSA