Extension of the International Freight Assistance Mechanism

Friday, July 2, 2021

Freight and Trade Alliance (FTA), the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA), the Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) and the NationalFarmers Federation (NFF) have received a positive response to concerted advocacy to the Federal Government calling for an extension to the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) beyond September 2021 as an emergency measure to ensure commercially viable access to market for Australian exporters of perishable commodities.

Earlier today, post the national cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister announced that the Commonwealth will extend additional support through IFAM - READ MORE

This comes as welcome news as industry and government continue to collaborate to support Australia's response to COVID-19 as we evolve to 'new-look' supply chains in a changed trading environment.

FTA / APSA looks forward to ongoing engagement with Austrade to ascertain further detail about the extension and to support to freight forwarders responsible for IFAM funding applications.

Whilst Austrade has done an exceptional job to date to implement and and administer the scheme as a timely response to the pandemic-imposed operating conditions, member feedback has indicated a significant opportunirty exists to improve processes. 
Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF