Sea container measures to protect against khapra beetle

Monday, July 5, 2021

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received advice from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) has issued Industry Advice Notice 145-2021 dealing with the Sea container measures to protect against khapra beetle

What has changed?

Additional measures under Phase 6A of the khapra beetle urgent actions will commence on 12 July 2021. These additional measures will introduce mandatory offshore treatment requirements for all FCL/FCX sea containers packed with all types of goods in a target risk country and unpacked in a rural grain growing area of Australia.

To assist in preparing stakeholders for these changes, a specific web page outlining the sea container measures is available. This web page can be accessed at

Summary of measures

The below table provides a summary of Phase 6A measures.

Note: Failure to comply with these requirements will result in export of the container upon arrival in Australia.

Type of target risk container

Implementation date

How to comply

FCL/FCX container where high-risk plant products are packed into the sea container in a khapra beetle target risk country Note: For import conditions refer to the BICON case: Khapra beetle sea container measures  

12 April 2021
(containers exported on or after 12 April 2021)

Containers must be treated offshore prior to packing* using an  approved treatment option and accompanied by a valid treatment certificate.
*Note: treatment of containers already loaded with goods is acceptable for methyl bromide treatment only.

FCL/FCX container where other goods are packed into the sea container in a khapra beetle target risk country and will be unpacked in a rural grain growing area of Australia Note: The import conditions will be included in the BICON case Non-commodity cargo clearance on 12 July 2021. 

Will commence on 12 July 2021 (containers exported on or after 12 July 2021)

Containers must be treated offshore (prior to packing*) using an approved treatment option and accompanied by a valid treatment certificate.
*Note: treatment of containers already loaded with goods is acceptable for methyl bromide treatment only.

Please note that updated policies relating to the Class 19 approved arrangements (NCCC and AEPCOMM) will come into effect on 12 July 2021 and will be published in their usual locations from this date.

These include the:

 Please contact AEP Support if you have any questions. 

Further information  

For further information, see:


  • questions and information related directly to offshore khapra beetle treatments, please email
  • all other enquiries regarding these measures, please phone 1800 900 090 or email (please title the subject line of the email with 'Plant Tier 2 – khapra urgent actions').

To ensure you remain updated on these changes, we recommend registering to receive BICON alerts and Import Industry Advice Notices.

Sal Milici - Head of Border & Biosecurity - FTA / APSA