As foreshowed by the NSW Premier this morning at her daily press conference, from 11:59pm tonight (Saturday 17 July 2021) people in the local government areas (LGAs) of Fairfield, Liverpool and Canterbury-Bankstown will not be able to leave those areas for work.
At the time of the announcement, the only people exempt from the new stay-at-home orders in those areas were stated to be emergency services and health workers.
In response to a flood of member enquiries, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have been collaborating with the Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) with approaches to the NSW Government to gain necessary exemptions to the Public Health Order to ensure business continuity of the international trade and freight transport sectors – CTAA update from 1PM today available HERE.
Following ongoing engagement with executive from Transport for NSW, we reached out to the office of The Hon Andrew Constance MP Minister for Transport and Roads and The Hon Paul Toole MP Minister for Regional Transport and Roads expressing our serious concerns, particularly noting that both were both signatories to the 25 March 2000 Transport and Infrastructure Council Communique:
"Ministers also affirmed the critical role the freight sector plays in providing essential supplies of food, medicine or other goods. Our freight and logistics sector starts at the border via our maritime and aviation routes. We then use rail and trucks to move substantial quantities of goods throughout the country, from ports and airports to the doors of individuals, businesses, and service providers. This includes recognition of the importance of all members of the freight distribution chain, from drivers, pilots, and engineers and others who support them, including those in the back-office working out rostering and logistics."
In what is a welcomed development, we have just received formal advice that the NSW Government has approved the following workers being allowed to leave the Fairfield, Liverpool and Canterbury-Bankstown LGA's for critical work :
"Any person, including a freight worker, who performs work that is critical for the continued operation of food and grocery retailing, warehousing and distribution and transportation."
We have been advised by the Ministerial office that further detail will be outlined in the soon to be finalised Public Health Order.
FTA, APSA and CTAA will be maintaining close engagement with Transport for NSW to seek further clarity as required.
Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF