Cyber Security in the Logistics Sector

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why Pentesting is Essential for Business Growth-v2.pdf

I had the privilege to attend yesterday's Home Affairs Industry Summit where a highly informative keynote address was deliverted by The Hon Clare O'Neil MP Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security.

The Minister provided alarming detail in terms of the emerging cyber threats, responses being led by the Federal Government and urged Australian businesses to follow best practice methodologies to mitigate risks of ransom attacks.
While the current Medibank and recent Optus cyber-attacks are stealing media attention, what is not so well known is the high level of attacks hitting SME businesses, including a high ratio of those involved in international trade and logistics. 

It is a timely reminder that Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Cyber Citadel offer a "NO FIND / NO CHARGE OFFER" exclusively available to FTA and Australian Peak Shipper Association (APSA) members

Cyber Citadel will conduct a penetration test of your systems. If they cannot breach your systems, you will benefit by having an increased level of assurance that your systems will not be hacked. In this scenario, no fee is payable.

Should vulnerabilities be identified, an agreed payment for the penetration test and reporting services is payable to Cyber Citadel


Please refer to the promotional flyer and Why Penetration Testing is Essential for Business Growth

We also highly recommend that executives across all businesses review the Cyber Security in the Logistics Sector "white paper" - at minimum, we encourage members to take 6 minutes out of your busy schedules to view the following summary of key findings.