Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) wish to advise that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has issued Industry Advice Notice 10-2023 advising of changes to the Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates from 1 May 2023
What has changed?
As advised in IAN 194-2022, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department), is undertaking a survey in partnership with Qube Logistics to inspect the external surfaces of sea containers from a selection of countries not on the department's Country Action List (CAL) i.e. countries that are generally not subject to external container inspection on arrival to Australia.
The survey has commenced in the ports of Adelaide (Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal) and Brisbane (Patrick Cargolink terminal) and is expected to continue until 30 June 2023. The survey will not be conducted in the port of Fremantle at this time.
Stakeholders can expect a minimal delay in the release of containers if they are selected for inspection and are found free of contaminants and pests.
Containers with unacceptable levels of soil, plant and animal material contamination will be cleaned on-site at no additional cost to the importer. Containers with a live pest infestation will be held at the terminal pending identification of the pest and advice on appropriate management options.
Containers inspected for the survey will not attract a charge unless live pests are detected, and treatment is required.
Important information users of Patrick Cargolink (Brisbane) and Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal
Some containers selected for the survey will have a 'Terminal Hold' applied and a 'Held' Terminal Status visible in 1-Stop.
Where a 'Terminal Hold' is in place, the containers are unable to be moved off wharf, so transport should not be arranged until the 'Terminal Hold' has been removed.
Further information
For further information regarding the hitchhiker pest container survey, contact the department via email:
Sal Milici - Head of Border & Biosecurity - FTA / APSA
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