ABF - 2023 Mandatory CPD Module - Now Live

Monday, July 10, 2023


Who does this notice affect?

ALL Licensed Customs Brokers

Australian Border Force (ABF) 
Completing Mandatory Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Module for Licensed Customs Brokers 

The Australian Border Force (ABF) have advised under the updated Australian Customs Notice No. 2023/23 that the mandatory CPD module is now available for completion.

The module will focus on customs broker due diligence requirements and assist customs brokers in identifying suspicious transactions and traders. The Mandatory ABF CPD Module will provide you with 3 CPD points in Stream B.

ALL licensed customs brokers must complete this mandatory module by 31 March 2024 which is ONLY available via the Department's ABF Australian Trusted Trader (ATT) training portal. 


In order to complete the CPD module, licensed customs brokers need to access the ABF Australian Trusted Trader (ATT) training portal via https://australianborderforce.birchlp.com.au/ and sign in.

If you are not an existing portal member click the 'sign up' hyperlink and fill in the required information to gain access. Please include your full name and customs broker licence number to ensure CPD points are assigned correctly. 

Once signed into the portal select the course 'Customs Brokers – Mandatory Continuing Professional Development module' from the available course catalogue. Once selected users will be able to commence the module by selecting 'Launch'. Once the module is finished a certificate of completion will be generated. Users may download their certificate from their portal profile, however, this will not be required to be provided to the ABF.

If further assistance with the training portal or module is required please contact ATTtraining@abf.gov.au directly. 

Further updates will be posted awww.FTAlliance.com.au

Caroline Zalai -  Director, Training, Finance & Events - FTA/APSA