Have your say on International Shipping Practices - ACCC seeking feedback from FTA / APSA members

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Freight Forwarders survey.docx
Cargo Owners survey.docx

We encourage you and your organisation to assist in our advocacy activity.


As Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) members will recall, a detailed presentation was delivered at last year's APSA Conference by Mick Keogh, Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), focussing on the need to reform certain international shipping practices.

Earlier this year, FTA / APSA warmly welcomed the announcement by the Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers that Mick was reappointed as ACCC Deputy Chair for a further five years, starting from 30 May 2023. 

During the last few months it has become clear that the ACCC has an intent to continue unfinished business and is seeking industry support to achieve meaningful change.


As a part of the FTA / APSA bi-lateral engagement with the ACCC, advice was received yesterday (15 August 2023) that the ACCC will commence industry consultation in preparation for the 2022-23 Container stevedoring monitoring report.

As part of this work, the ACCC has compiled survey documents, targeting different levels of the supply chain, to seek the views of key industry participants. While the ACCC have already sent surveys to a number of industry participants, they have requested the assistance of FTA / APSA in obtaining a more comprehensive response by distributing the following:

To ensure responses can be considered and views incorporated into the upcoming report, the ACCC are seeking responses  by COB Friday 25 August 2023.

Please email your response to airportsandports@accc.gov.augennady.kleiner@accc.gov.au and melissa.baker2@accc.gov.au.


FTA / APSA will be separately continuing its direct bi-lateral engagement with the ACCC and will be making a formal submission. To support our advocacy, it is requested that your survey responses are also shared with Tom Jensen (Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA) at tjensen@FTAlliance.com.au


FTA / APSA Submission to the Productivity Commission

FTA / APSA media coverage of the PC inquiry final report

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF