DAFF - Publication of updated livestock application forms for export permits and health certificates

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry crest

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Publication of updated livestock application forms for export permits and health certificates

Species: Livestock
Countries: All


  • Australian Livestock Exporters' Council
  • Departmental officers
  • LiveCorp
  • Livestock exporters
  • Meat and Livestock Australia


To inform stakeholders of the publication of the updated application forms for export permits and health certificates for livestock exports by sea and air.

Key points

  • The department has approved 2 updated application forms which must be used to apply for an:
    • export permit and health certificate for livestock exports by sea
    • export permit and health certificate for livestock exports by air.
  • These updates address stakeholder feedback around the useability of the previously published forms. The updates also align with departmental branding and formatting requirements.
  • To complete these forms electronically, save to your desktop and open using Adobe Acrobat Reader (rather than completing via your web browser).
  • We have not changed the requirements that exporters must meet or the way we assess applications. To ensure the correct forms are being used, exporters are encouraged to remove templates of the previous forms (dated March 2021) from their files.
  • Sections 65 and 239 of the Export Control Act 2020 sets out requirements for applications, including where the Secretary has approved a form for making an application. Exporters wishing to apply for an export permit or health certificate must use the relevant approved form.
  • As part of our review work, we are also updating the application processes for livestock export licences, approved arrangements and approved export programs (new, renew, vary). These new forms will be available on our website shortly.