DAFF - Requirements for grain sampling for laboratory analysis

Thursday, September 21, 2023

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Requirements for grain sampling for laboratory analysis


Good afternoon,

This email is being sent to remind stakeholders of the requirements for sampling grain when laboratory analysis is required to meet importing country requirements.

The Export Control Act 2020 (The Act) and the Export Control (Plants and Plant Products) Rules 2021 (Plant Rules) outline the requirements for the export of plants and plant products, including requirements related to grain sampling for inspection and analysis.

Grain samples taken for laboratory analysis must be representative of the consignment being exported, whether in bulk or in containers. Each sample must be taken at the legislated sampling rate of 2.25 litres per 33.33 tonnes and the samples must be clearly traceable to the consignment to be exported.

Grain sampling for weed seed or other analysis is often a requirement to support standard phytosanitary inspections completed by Authorised Officers (AO). The Grain Trade Australia (GTA)'s Technical Guideline Document No.21 Grain Sampling – All Sampling Scenarios clearly outlines required sampling rates and practices where samples subject to laboratory analysis are required.

Exporters, managers of registered establishments or other participants in the supply chain have responsibilities to ensure that grain samples collected for laboratory analysis to meet importing country requirements are:

  • representative of the consignment.
  • collected at the legislated sampling rate of 2.25 litres per 33.33 tonnes.
  • clearly traceable to the consignment being exported.
  • collected sufficiently in advance of the planned export and inspection to enable results to be provided to the AO at the time of phytosanitary inspection, if required.

If you have any questions regarding the requirements for sampling grain for laboratory analysis, please email the Grain and Seed Exports Program.

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