DAFF - 205-2023: Changes to Vegetable seed for sowing permit application form

Thursday, September 28, 2023

28 September 2023

Who does this notice affect?

This notice is of interest to importers (and their customs brokers) of the following vegetable seeds for sowing: capsicum, carrot, parsley, parsnip, tomato, wild tomato.

What has changed?

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has reviewed our existing permit policy for a select group of vegetable seeds (listed above) and the associated biosecurity risks. The review identified policy, operational and financial efficiencies that could be achieved for both industry and the department.

As a result, the department has revised the permit policy to issue import permits for these commodities from all countries of export rather than a single country of export. This will benefit stakeholders by reducing the number of permits required and the associated costs, as well as streamlining the application process.

In order to effect this change, we will be publishing a new import permit application form for these commodities. The permit validity period will remain at one year.

This change will apply to the following vegetable seed species, including their synonyms and subordinate taxa:

  • Capsicum (Capsicum spp.)
  • Carrot (Daucus carota)
  • Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
  • Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
  • Tomato (Lycopersicon and Solanum spp.)
  • Wild tomato (Lycopersicon and Solanum spp.)

When will the change come into effect?

Importers will be able to apply for an import permit using the new application form, via the BICON import Cases for any of the selected vegetable seeds listed above from 5 October 2023.

You may wish to consider waiting until this new form is published before submitting new permit applications.

What is the impact on permits and charging?

The new application form will streamline the application and assessment process for these highly traded vegetable seed lines, reducing the burden to importers in applying for and managing numerous import permits for multiple countries of export. Additionally, these changes are expected to reduce the cost associated with application and assessment of the listed vegetable seeds.

What about my existing application and permits?

Any current applications cannot be converted to the new application form and existing permits cannot be varied.

As this is a new form, you will not be able to use the 'copy existing application' function in your BICON account.

Further information

Please review the fact sheet below for more information on these changes and guidance on how to apply for a permit using the new application form.


Fact sheet for vegetable seed for sowing permit applications (PDF 544 KB)

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