IATA - Monthly Briefings

Friday, September 29, 2023


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Market Analysis July 2023



Air Passenger

Robust growth in domestic RPKs bolsters global recovery

·        Industry-wide revenue passenger-kilometers (RPKs) increased 26.2% year-on-year (YoY) in July, reaching 95.6% of the traffic numbers seen in 2019. Available seat-kilometers (ASKs) also saw a strong growth of 23.7% YoY, totaling 96.1% of the pre-pandemic capacity.

·        Domestic passenger traffic reached an all-time high and rose 8.3% over 2019 levels, mainly driven by the surge in PR China, where domestic RPKs grew by 22.5% relative to 2019 figures.

·        The recovery of international traffic remained stable in July, with industry-wide international RPKs standing at 11.3% below pre-covid levels.

·        Passenger load factors approached the levels achieved in 2019, reaching an industry-wide average of 85.2%, only 0.4 percentage points (ppts) away from full recovery. The latest forward-looking ticket sales indicate that this recovery momentum is expected to continue in the near term.



Air Cargo

Air cargo maintains recovery momentum despite headwinds

·        Industry air cargo demand decreased by 0.8% year-on-year in July, reflecting the sustained improvement in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTKs) and the low base of CTKs in 2022.

·        Air cargo capacity, measured in available cargo tonne-kilometers (ACTKs), increased by 11.2%, primarily due to the continued restoration of belly cargo capacity during the summer season.

·        Global trade contracted for the third consecutive month, with manufacturing output and new export orders deteriorating. China's weak performance in production and exports is a concerning development for the global economy.

·        Inflation showed a mixed picture in July. The increase in US consumer prices picked up pace for the first time in 13 months, while both consumer and producer prices in China fell, suggesting a possible deflationary trend in the Chinese economy.

·         Asia Pacific airlines experienced their first year-on-year growth in cargo traffic since March 2022, driven by increased trade with other regions and significant market improvements within Asia. 










Most-read Chart of the Week in August

International revenue passenger-kilometers (RPKs) and available seat-kilometers (ASKs) growth realign, restore load factors. 

Learn more >









Net Zero Roadmaps

In this interview, Hemant Mistry, Director Energy Transition International Air Transport Association (IATA) explains how the roadmaps to Net Zero have been set from a practical point of view; what's out there and will come to maturity.

Watch here >









World Sustainability Symposium
3 - 4 October | Madrid, Spain

The only event specifically tailored for airline sustainability professionals providing them with the unique opportunity to upgrade their environment knowledge level and to connect with a range of other businesses that can support the achievement of their sustainability targets.
Register here >