NZ Customs Release 721

Friday, September 29, 2023



Issue72129 September 2023
Customs agreement with The Netherlands enters into force

A cooperation agreement with the Kingdom of the Netherlands comes into effect from Sunday 1 October, marking a new chapter in collaboration with a key European partner. 
The Customs Mutual Administrative Assistance Agreement (CMAA) was signed by officials from both governments in Wellington on 10 March 2022. 
The agreement allows the New Zealand Customs Service and Dutch Customs Administration to share important information relating to trade and drug smuggling, enhancing the ability of each agency to combat transnational crime, strengthen supply chain security and support the flow of trade.  

Secure Trade Lane project update

Customs has been working with Australian Border Force (ABF) under the Secure Trade Lane (STL) banner since 2016 to identify opportunities to make cargo clearances more efficient for traders. Earlier this year, Customs initiated an internal review of the STL project to determine whether it should be continued in its current form, and what specific concepts may be worth pursuing.

Joint Police and Customs investigation sees gangs' importation plans quashed

More than 70 million dollars' worth of methamphetamine has been withheld from entering New Zealand, and nine men have been arrested and charged, as a result of a joint Police and Customs investigation. 

The significant stash of just under 200 kilograms of methamphetamine, which is estimated to produce roughly 10 million doses, was seized by the New Zealand Customs Service at the Ports of Auckland after it was found concealed within four wheat thresher machines imported into the country.

Cocaine seized in Customs investigation in Tauranga

A recent early morning attempted break-in at the Port of Tauranga has ended with Customs seizing an estimated 26 kilograms of cocaine, with Police arresting three alleged offenders.

Port of Tauranga Security contacted Police last weekend (16 and 17 September) when signs of an attempted break-in were detected, three arrests followed.

Customs officers subsequently searched 36 containers over the two days that were destined for various parts of New Zealand both in Tauranga and Auckland.

Customs Rules for Inward Cargo Reports

From 16 October 2023, an amendment to the Customs Rules for Inward Cargo Reports (ICRs) will come into effect, changing the tariff code requirements.

Currently, ICRs requesting write off for goods with a value for duty between NZD $400 to $1000 requires a full 11 digit tariff code, as per the Working Tariff Document of New Zealand.

The amendment will relax this requirement to a 6 digit tariff code, to align with the Harmonised System maintained by the World Customs Organization. 

These changes will come into effect on Trade Single Window (TSW) on 16 October 2023.

Reminder: Customs Goods Fees are changing on 1 October 2023

Customs' goods fees will be adjusted for inflation on 1 October 2023. A table of the fees to apply from 1 October 2023 is on Customs' website.

Intellectual Property Rights

Updates to trademark and copyright notices have been accepted by Customs.

For more information on IPRs, email

Tariff Concession Notices

A tariff concession removes the tariff duty that would be payable for certain goods. 

Tariff Concession Approval and Advertisement Notices 34 are now available.


Rates of Exchange

Customs Controlled Areas

Customs Vacancies
