Qantas Freight Operational Update 4

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) has once again been in contact with Qantas Freight management. Members continue to express their concerns over the delays with issues continuing with reportedly little change noticed in the past 24hrs and no further official updates issued by Qantas Freight to industry since yesterday. 

In response to an urgent request for an update from Qantas Freight, FTA / APSA have received the following update:

We acknowledge the current situation continues to be challenging and I can assure you it has the focus of the entire Qantas Freight management team.
Latest Updates: 

  • Main import issues have revolved around CTO staff access to ABF release messaging and visibility between scanners and (new) system
  • AU east coast CTOs have been hardest hit with MEL worse due to backlog created by pre-existing challenges
  • Work arounds employed include manual data entry of completed releases, use of runners to identify freight location and additional acceptance resources to cover scanner issues
  • Priority has been given to pharmaceuticals, temperature-controlled and perishable commodities plus large volume clients – theory being clearing these out will free up space and staff to attack the aged/backlog balance
  • Impact to partner airlines (and their customers) is also acknowledged
  • It will take some time for remaining freight to be cleared – we are working towards being able to quantify the time range for that ideally by late this week
  • Reminder that any forthcoming claims must follow protocols set down on QF website, including time limits and processes – click here for more information
  • I also will be able to share more specific remedial actions we are looking to take at Terminal level, tomorrow

FTA / APSA also suggested to Qantas Freight management that we would be happy to assist by approaching the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for an "authorisation" meaning we could bring together competing forwarders and potentially client airlines to collaborate on short-term solutions. This type of activity has had recent precedent in dealing with elements of the pandemic and natural disasters affecting transport operations nationally.

In response to our offer of industry collaboration, Qantas Freight advised the following:

  • Qantas Freight has strong relationships with many of the larger industry customers/suppliers, and many of them have already been offering to support
  • We have taken up a number of these already, eg Wymap have been working closely with our CTO teams delivering cargo, special arrangements for collections with high volume agents to move large volume from our terminals
  • Whilst we appreciate the offer of further third party support, we will assess in conjunction with the planned remedial actions I mention above and revert back to you should we see this as a viable option
Ongoing Issues of Note:

Thanks to feedback from members, following are some of the common issues still being seen at present:
  • Communication with Qantas Freight still a major issue 
  • Import cargo check-in is still significantly delayed.
  • Driver waiting times are significant.
  • Cargo incorrectly marked as "ready for collection", yet upon attempts to collect cargo cannot be located.
  • ULD deconsolidation significantly delayed.
  • Aged cargo not necessarily seen as being given any apparent priority.
FTA / APSA have had initial mainstream media engagement and will be issuing a formal media release tomorrow Thursday 5 October 2023 outlining the significant and ongoing operational and commercial  impacts.

Further information is available via the Qantas Freight website HERE.

Further updates as they come to hand will be available on our website HERE

Tom Jensen - Head of International Freight & Logistics - FTA / APSA

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