DAFF - Meat Notice 2023-07 - Security seal disposal process

Thursday, October 12, 2023

1. Purpose

This notice provides notification of the process that will be undertaken to dispose of superseded official marks – bolt seals and tamper-indicative metal strap seals.

2. Scope

This notice applies to all export registered establishments.

3. Summary of changes

The department will commence a process to dispose of superseded official marks – bolt seals and tamper-indicative metal strap seal from 1 October 2023, by engaging our security seal provider to coordinate the return of all department seals for destruction.

Establishments that do not have a department official onsite must complete the Export Security Seal Return Form and email to vemgplanning&coord@aff.gov.au. The return form will be processed, and seals will be collected from establishments and prepared for destruction.

Establishments that do have a department official onsite, please use the table below to identify the action required.

All superseded security seals must be returned by 24 November 2023.

1 box or less of bolt or tamper indicative seals (Tyden/metal)To be destroyed at the establishment – Certificate of Destruction to be completed by company representative and endorsed by department official and emailed to vemgplanning&coord@aff.gov.au.
More than 1 box of bolt or tamper indicative seals (Tyden/metal)Company representative to complete the export security seal return form, prepare the boxes for collection by courier and email vemgplanning&coord@aff.gov.au their return form. Direct Freight Express will collect the seals as return forms are processed by Mega Fortris.

Superseded Seals are pictured below.

Image of superseded official marks – bolt seals and tamper-indicative metal strap seals

4. Requirements

Establishments must email the completed security return form or destruction certificate to VEMGPlanning&Coord@aff.gov.au.

The export-security seal certificate of destruction form and the export security seal return form are provided with this meat notice, additionally the forms will be available on the Agriculture website. Order forms for Container and Tamper-indicative seals - DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)

Adam Balcerak
Director Meat Export Branch Exports and Veterinary Division.