DAFF - 230-2023: Removal of permit requirements for fresh dragonfruit from Vietnam and fresh grapefruit from Egypt

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

31 October 2023

Who does this notice affect?

This notice is for importers of fresh dragonfruit from Vietnam and fresh grapefruit from Egypt for human consumption. Approved arrangements, freight forwarders, brokers, and Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessment and Inspection.

What has changed?

On 20 November 2023, the requirement for an import permit for fresh dragonfruit fruit grown in Vietnam and fresh grapefruit grown in Egypt, for human consumption will be removed.

Importers who hold a valid import permit will no longer need to present this from 20 November 2023.

The Department advises importers to check BICON regularly and subscribe to the relevant cases for future notifications.

There are no associated costs with this change.

Any permits that are valid beyond 20 November 2023, will lapse and will not be renewed.

Existing permits will not be refunded.