DFAT - Trade 2040 Taskforce

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Trade 2040 Taskforce (Taskforce) brings together government, industry, unions and community representatives to serve as a key consultation forum to progress the Government's trade policy agenda.

These consultations occur against the backdrop of an increasingly complex global environment, including as Australia transitions to a net zero economy.

The views from the Taskforce will help inform the Government's trade policy agenda with a strategic and forward-looking outlook to 2040. This includes important initiatives such as the report: Invested: Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040. Members will exchange views and provide advice to Government on trade and investment policy, promotion and priorities including Australia's participation in trade negotiations and in international economic cooperation forums.

The establishment of the Taskforce prioritises putting people and business at the centre of Australia's trade policy, implementation and delivery.Taskforce membership is drawn from a wide cross-section of Australian society. Individual members are leaders in their fields drawn from across Australia and reflecting a broad range of experience, including First Nations representation.

The Taskforce is chaired by Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism and Special Minister of State. It will meet biannually.

Media releases

Media releases relating to the Taskforce and Taskforce meetings will be available on this site.